Kai's Insights: The Incredible Presence of a Remarkable Absence
As the final hurdle approached, we all gather on the studio floor for the last time (before we start touring). Beginning the last day with a good session of improv and contact improv.
Joining us in the space was Vince, this gave us the chance to play with some lights; an opportunity to see what atmospheres, landscapes and textures we could be amongst during the work :)
We walked through the entire piece, to show Vince. The bodies felt heavy and sluggish, normally we would have class, run through phrases which helped condition the body in preparation. We were only 'marking' through the work, which proved to be a good indication and reminder of how tough the process has been (good tough of course!).
With that done we broke for lunch, not wanting to eat too much, adding to the heaviness of how I already felt! I think the food served me well, and I was ready to go.
After lunch we spent some time working through some last minute details, then it was time to put on the #HeatSuit.!! I am the hottest person alive; my body is already at boiling point and I am costumed with the most layers... Wonderful :)
We begin the work, already it feels different. The lights create so much, they may not be ready or perfect yet; but as I look out into the darkness and see nothing, it really helps me find that wilderness impression.
Music, lights, acting and if we must... some dance thrown in as well. It really feels whole. Very rarely do I find myself in a lengthy work, feeling excited to keep going... Real credit to Abi, this piece is a work of...
You'll have to come and see it for yourself, to finish that sentence off. Of course, I have my own opinion (when don't I), and I'm sure you will have yours too :)
We finish the work, it felt like a good run. I can't help but notice how incredibly hot and sweaty I am, at which point I glance over to Aya (the coldest person in the world), and really envy her light, free and fresh costume. Of course, hot and sweaty but at least she has an outlet for all that.!!!!
The end of the day, but also the rehearsal process too. some sad goodbyes. Unfortunately, that is the truth... We all look at this process to recognise the journey it's taken... possibly thinking what, when, where, which, who and how we have all got to where we are now. Possibly it's because Carrie was on great form all day, or that he sings? Or that Abi is the master of her own actions, or that there was no escape until we reached the other side? But it certainly feels like a job well done :)
Congratulations to Abi, mainly for having both Joe and I in the same company and rehearsals together! But also, for some really clear and great direction, it's been a pleasure being in this process working with and for you.
Of course, Dougie to, for the Incredible Presence of a Remarkable score. Truly beautiful. Also a good opponent for our tennis ball football matches :)
And I can't forget the rest of the cast, it's been inspirational sharing the space with you all, hearing your thoughts and learning your techniques as we go.
We all look forward to seeing some, or all of your familiar faces when we begin our tour in September, until then…
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Photo credit: Cover image/Photo by James Robotham. Dancer: Kai Downham